Part III – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Section 2: Command, Communications, and the Incident Command System Law Enforcement
Arlington County Annex C
After-Action Report Page C-51
On the afternoon of September 11, Dr. Marcella Fierro, the Virginia Chief Medical
Examiner, met with ASAC Blecksmith and asserted the responsibility of her office
regarding the autopsies of victims of the terrorist attack. The FBI felt strongly
that the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), with which the FBI has
long-standing working relations, should perform the autopsies. Dr. Fierro
requested and received a letter from Attorney General Ashcroft transferring
responsibility for the medical examinations to the FBI.
2 commentaires:
ce qui prouve que le fbi voulait à tous prix dévoiler eux même les résultats des adn. cqfd.
ce qui prouve que le fbi voulait à tous prix dévoiler eux même les résultats des adn. cqfd.
et aussi devoiler des adn même si y en avait pas.
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